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Chronology Of Easter Island: Important Events On Rapa Nui

Today, the moai are by far the most popular reason for travelers to visit Easter Island. Much like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids at Giza, archaeologists are not entirely sure how the moai were transported to their final locations, which makes these big-headed statues all the more interesting. According to oral traditions written down by missionaries in the 1860s, the island originally had a very clear class system, with an ariki, high chief, who had great power over nine other clans and their chiefs.

A Chilean partridge, a quail, and a small hawk have been added to the wildlife since 1880. Sea turtles and seals are now rare curiosities, but crayfish and various coastal and deep-sea fishes abound around the coast. Toromiro tree, endemic to the island, was the only wild tree and the Carolina wolfberry the only wild shrub, the vegetation being predominantly herbaceous. The toromiro tree was overexploited by the island wood carvers, and the last local specimen died in the 1950s. The species was saved from extinction, however; the Norwegian Archaeological Expedition collected seeds and planted them in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden, and saplings from the garden were reintroduced to Easter Island in 1988.

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There would have been fierce competition for the remaining woody shrubs, among people trying to obtain thatching and small pieces of wood for houses, implements, and bark cloth. Comparison of early garbage deposits with late prehistoric ones or with conditions on modern Easter Island reveals big changes in those initially bountiful food sources. Porpoises, and open-ocean fish like tuna, virtually disappeared go to this site from the islanders’ diet. The fish that continued to be caught were mainly inshore species. This was the worst catastrophe to befall Pacific island birds, surpassing even the record on New Zealand and Hawaii, where, to be sure, the moas and most flightless geese became extinct, but many other species managed to survive. No Pacific island other than Easter ended up without any native land birds.

Discover the Mysteries of Easter Island

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Flowered leis are draped around your neck and your air-conditioned van is waiting outside. Climbing down into the cave can be a bit precarious, but once inside you really enjoy this beautiful spot, covered with trees and shrubs inside the caverns. Our Tip –See if you can figure out how the Rapa Nui people must have placed the pukao on top of the moai.

In the 1800s, South American slave raids took away as much as half of the island’s native population, and by 1877, following decades of disease, destruction and enforced migration, only 111 Rapa Nui remained. Things tend to move slower on islands, and that’s what makes them so enjoyable to visit. Easter Island is no different, and you’ll quickly fall in love with the chilled out pace. Located at the southwest corner of the island on the edge of the coast, Rano Kau has an enormous crater that offers incredible views out to sea. Located on the edge of the Terevaka volcano on the north end of the island, Rano Raraku is where all the moai were hand carved to be transported to their final destinations.

This could be in the middle of the day or near the end when officially, it should close at 6PM. To purchase your tickets, they’ll ask for your passport or a form of personal ID (driver’s license will do). They only take credit card and the machine will charge you in Chilean Pesos . Stay on the path – The curated trails are designed to keep you at a distance so that visitors do the least damage to the archeological sites. As a precious and delicate place, it’s incredibly important to respect the National Park rules. Not only are there potential fines, you want to do our best to make the least impact as possible so that visitors can enjoy and learn about the Rapa Nui culture for generations to come.

For Travelers

Over the course of their four-day visit, explorers reported a native population of about 3,000 people. Four years later, Sir James Cook, the british captain arrived to find the native population nearly obliterated — there were fewer than 700 men and 30 women left on the island. Roggeveen and his crew did not make a positive first impression.

I had a quick search and found an exanple of this in session 63, where the number of wanderers is given as 600 million and is later revised to 60 million in the next session. You’re currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. Rano Kao, which is about 3,000 feet wide, is piped to Hanga Roa. The coast is formed by soft, eroded, ashy cliffs, with a vertical drop of about 500 to 1,000 feet ; the cliffs are intercepted by long stretches of low, hard, and rugged lava formations. Britannica celebrates the centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment, highlighting suffragists and history-making politicians. While this global health crisis continues to evolve, it can be useful to look to past pandemics to better understand how to respond today.

While there’s many different conspiracy theories about this, the truth is that they were built to look back at the villages they represented. A sprawling site with a bunch of ruined platforms and moai, Ahu Akahanga is well worth visiting while driving around the island. A church was built in the main village, but luckily maintained a lot of the island’s fascinating art style. On the pillars you can see some beautiful carvings, and it gives the religious building a touch of authenticity. Christianity came to Easter Island in 1864 and quickly spread, eradicating a lot of the ancient culture and tradition along the way.

I wrote a post about this recently but truly, I can’t stress this enough. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of this year are my friends, especially the virtual ones. My friends are spread far and wide, and this year I strengthened so many connections and found routines in the day-to-day that really helped with my mental health. I had SharePlay sessions with a friend every time an album came out by an artist that we were both crazy for.

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